Lack Of Moral Education In School


            Human resources are a key aspect in the development of a nation. One of the human resources that are considered important that is younger generation. The role of young people as very important in the context of development in Indonesia as an independent country. The younger generation is expected to be a nationalist in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution and in accordance with the moral teachings of religion. The attitudes can be realized as putting unity and the safety of the nation and country above personal interests, do not give up easily, spirited renewal, and so on. Human resource development can be done through education of the family, school, and community. However, the younger generation is a cadre of development that are still potential, so it needs to be nurtured and developed in a focused and sustained through school educational institutions.

            Today, the very high demands of the times, people who are not qualified will be hard to get a job. One attempt to get a job or a decent life that with take up highest education. In the current era, people swarmed to get an education. Parents are willing to spend money to send their children to prestigious schools or favorite colleges, so their children future with a good education will get a good life anyway. It is one of the evidence, that education is very important. However, the assumption that amend in the Indonesian society, namely education just to get a job, even though the benefits of education are not just to getting a job but is very broad, almost covering all aspects of life.

            Education is a process that pass off since a person was a child to reach maturity think or adulthood. Education is something that can not be separated from human life. Education was seen as the process of acquiring knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and other behavioral aspects to every generation. These efforts have been done entirely by the forces of society. Almost everything we learn is the result of our relationships with other people, whether at home, school, office, and others. In addition, wherever we are, we are definitely going to learn and acquire knowledge.

            Through of education, it will arise in a person to compete and motivate themselves to be better in every aspect of life. Some functions of education, among others, to develop and shape the personality, cultural transmission, social integration, innovation, and pre-allocation of labor. However, the essence of education that aims to establish a person's character that faith and fear of God Almighty.

            School as a formal institution implementation of education is the primary role holder the channelization science to students. The school is one educational center that expected to educate the nation, develop a human into the faithful, and useful to the nation and the country. One of the functions of the school is responsible for bring about development according to valid regulations. Such as teaching materials are cognitive and guidance to affective aspects of students.

            Education in schools contains several activities including teaching, guidance, and training. Where the three activities should be run correctly, so that will birth a whole human being, intelligent and moralist, be able to survive with decent, and be able to adapt to the environment and changing of times that ongoing. However, most of teachers or education institutions in Indonesia dominance only run one activity that is teaching. Guidance and training is lacking once applied in educational institutions. So that the students will only be intellectually smart but no provided to guidance and training for life that will be beneficial to life after plunging in the community.

            As we have seen, the quality of education in Indonesia is getting worse. This is evident from the quality of teachers, learning tools, and students. Teachers sure had burry expectations that can not they pass on to their students. Indeed, today's teachers are less competent. Many people who become teachers because they are not acceptable in any other department or underfunded. Unless the old teachers those long time to dedicate themselve to be a teacher. In addition to student teaching experience, they have experience in the lessons that they teach. If this phenomenon is allowed to continue, no longer education in Indonesia will be destroyed ,remember many experienced teachers who retired.

            Error education now is people prefer the quantitative value only, rather than qualitative value which is the moral values that are beneficial to life. People to get a good report card or GPA, they are willing to do a variety of ways, one of them cheating, deceiting in exams, and so forth. This is a characteristic of people who prefer the value in the form of numbers, not put good moral values. This is evident in the leaders or officeholder in Indonesia who have intellectual ingenuity, but because of their intelligence without good moral values, many of them which do not run their trusteeship. An example is the act of corruption, collusion and nepotism. They were once given the mandate, they prefer a personal interest than public interest. That is characteristic of how low of moral values in our nation. Whereas with that knowledge mediocre but good in moral values, Insha Allah this nation will prosper, especially with a good knowledge and high moral values, no doubt will create a civil nation.

            The next question that arises is then as if the moral education? Moral education is an education to make children to become moral man. This means that moral education is that education is not about teaching academic, but non-academic in particular on how the attitudes and good behaviors everyday. Unfortunately at this time,Indonesia has been minimal or almost no teachers who teach it. This is of course led to the destruction of the students morale at this time, it was obvious impact is the number of fights that happen now. This proves that the uncontrolled emotions that exist on students. They have started to follow their desires without being able to control it. Of course, this is one of the teacher's job to educate their students to become human dignity.

            Implementation of moral education, especially in Indonesia is becoming very important, look very moral crisis chronic happening in this country. Even the fact remains, today the majority of students and Indonesian people had to pull out of eastern civilization that known as civilized nations, manners, and religious. Indonesian society in general, swallow western civilization without careful selection. In addition, the Indonesian education system over filling in of cognition with the progressive increase in Intelengence Question. Although also in it, including education of Emotional Question. While the legacy of our nation's is the best high spirituality tradition which now has pawned and more loved by others abroad.

            As a result of the depletion of personal spiritual traditions on students in general cause bad effects. One example of social issues and moral issues that arise from the students is rising of teenage rebellion or deterioration of ethics and manners on students. Rebellion is often done by the students are doing the destruction of public facilities as well as in the school environment, and also do a brawl between students who have no benefit absolutely. This is further evidence of waning ethics and manners of students. A student should demonstrate a moral and ethical attitudes, become like those who are not being educated. They  are without shame and responsible in brawl which that make fidgety in sociaty. If the police want to secure the students, they ran headlong abysmally. It's ironic reality, which illustrates the absence of a brave soul in students.

            Another problem is the increasing of dishonesty, such as like truancy, cheat, and steal. It is actually intended to achieve personal or group interests of the students. They are willing to skip school to do other activities that do not have a positive impact. They are willing to cheat, in order to get a high score for fear of repetition. Even skipping activities during hours of lessons and cheating during the task or test, as has become tradition that difficult to remove in the space range school education. What is even more astonishing is dishonest attitude is not only happening in the students. The educators were often commit fraud such as give UAN answer, and do things that are forbidden to students. The education world is looked as full of low mentalities morale. Dishonest attitude is not actually pure growth in the school environment. But schools have an obligation to guide and educate students to be a noble person.

            Other moral problems also are reduced respect for parents, teachers, and authority figures. The students now do not distinguish which person must be respected and which should be treated as a friend. They assume everyone is same, so that the respect for older have been lost. Additionally, obscenities also often said without guilt to parents, teachers, and also authority figures such as police. They feel that they should respected and understandable. That feeling actually grew out of a teenagers who were still unstable and were looking for their identity. The students also form a community or group of cruel and ruthless. Where the groups fighting against and hold each other. It's a phenomenon that is very bitter.

            Another feature that is included in the moral problems, that the use of language is rude and disrespectful. As a student who is studying, it should be used a educational language that is polite and meaningful. However, the current reality shows that the student has not cultivate the language of education and began to preserve languages developed in the community who are rude and disrespectful. If the students who are the younger generation as successor of the nation's has not considering the use of language, then who else will preserve Indonesian language that famous civilized and full of politeness.

            Another problem that is not foreign to our ears is the emergence of a wave that self-destructive behavior. For examples, premature sexual behavior or promiscuity, drug abuse, and suicidal behavior. These things are the real impact that has been thinned even the loss of moral values in the nation. The facts also shows that the faith of the nation who are very weak so easily incited to negative seductions. In addition, the immaturity of the ability to think, make them always go with the flow without selecting a good and bad thing. The teens who are looking for themselves, even did not hesitate to join the community association that introduces them to the dark world that is very detrimental to themselves. However, various problems have been pointed out above, do not include moral damages that occur in students. Still many students devite action happens on the field.

            Symptoms of neglect the moral aspect in the school is not only seen in the students. Rarely school that issued the expression of the moral responsibility of teachers in education. Many schools no matter how moral attitudes of teachers outside of school. There are smoking, but the school prohibits students to smoke, until the other women who have deposits. There is a bad value, unless students private lessons with the teacher, to which threatened to not pass if student not to paying a certain sum of money. Sometimes, such the behavior is difficult to be dealt with directly by the law because it is difficult to obtain authentic evidence lawful. May not capture the teachers who smoke, but we can punish students who smoke. It means that here is a difference in moral standards that apply in school. Why is it so important moral education in schools?

            The reasons for the importance of moral education in schools there are: first, poor moral education in schools makes education produces sophisticated criminals in the future. A student who are good, with many wide range of knowledge, but morally defective, will be a dangerous tool destroyer society. Fault step in educating-forming activity, have led to the wrong type of man so terrible and dangerous to life together in the future.

            Second, humans are moral worth. Education is educating life. Life is not just a coincidence, but there is meaning and purpose in it. There, the students learn not to just learn cognitive knowledge, but how to implementate of their knowledge to makes life meaningful, both individually and in community. So, without a good moral life whole life becomes meaningless, or even be very negative. For what they are alive and exist in the world if only become destroyers and destroyer of society, bringing disgrace to the family, the environment and the state. Sometimes we are sorry for executing criminals, but preventive measures of childhood are not considered properly.

            Third, really fault thought that man was basically a good man. Humans actually tend evil and sinful. That is why there needs to be education. Very difficult to form a human being a good person, but it is so easy for someone to become corrupted. If a child left alone, he would inclined do evil than to do good. When the man left without a good education, he will quickly adopt the behaviors of evil, even develop their negative creative power, rather he tried to adopt good behavior. Need an uphill battle to someone could adopt good behavior and develop positive creative power and morals. Moral element tends to be ignored, so far as it does not interfere with the self (and may disturb others). Need a serious effort for student to become a children of high moral standing, who lives an honest, fair, noble, holy, and integrity.

            To respond to the symptoms of moral decline in the scope of the education, the improvement of the implementation of moral education in schools is a herculean task and urged as the importance of a formal education institution that has a goal of producing students who are smart in terms of intellectual, emotional, and spiritual question. It needs to be implemented in a comprehensive and using strategies and models in an integrated approach. The strategy can be realized by involving all the relevant elements in the process of learning or education, such as teachers, principals, parents, community leaders, and also the students themselves. The purpose of moral education is not merely to prepare students to swallow the concept of moral education, but more important is the establishment of good character, that is a person has a moral knowledge, the role of the moral feelings, and actions or immoral behavior.

            There are many things that can and need to do at school in moral education. Among them, first, any educational institution needs to consider not only the great degree of knowledge or teacher or professor, but also his moral behavior. There needs to be a mechanism for checking human daily life education, not only his intellectual powers alone. Secondly, there needs to conduct assessment in schools. A student pass or take a class, not only measured by their intellectual abilities, but also social skills, moral, mental and spiritual. Thus, the school truly pedagogical function correctly. Third, schools also need to regularly involve parents in the moral development and moral supervision for their children. Schools should join hands with the parents in educating children, so the children running in integrated education.

            These things are very much neglected, because it was considered too difficult for the school. School just busy measure intellectual ability of their students, and pride if children students succeed with high intellectual value and has a lot of knowledge. Now, this paradigm needs to be questioned and returned to basic education calls, that is forming a child into a man who truly mature morally, mentally, spiritually and intellectually.

            Teachers, government, and others must start jointly improve the moral of teenagers today's. By regard to the activities that need to be done in the application process of moral education, to do with changing of the curriculum in accordance with the acceleration of domestic politics, so the moral education should also be reviewing to follow competetion velocities in global competition. However, this country requires intelligent generation, wise and morally so that they can balance the harmony of faith and development in the progress of time. School environment as well as other educational institutions (formal and informal), communities and families should be prepared to build a shared commitment to support that desire. Because this is the fate of the Indonesian nation and morality depends on the younger generation. Of course it is not easy, but if tried would get good results later.

Eka Hardiyanti Bugis  


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